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Sunday, September 14, 2008

2nd September 2008, 16.16pm, an unforgettable hour of nothing but the truth that i have long awaited for. After 2 years of knowing you, today was the day that i actually felt that i was not being ignored, not being left alone to think what the answer was, but you laid it all in front of me and for that i am eternally greatful. Though i know i should be on my knees crying and feeling self pity but no, none of that is feeling me. But i am rather happy that at least now, i know that i am not lost anymore, that i have somewhere to head on to now. If there was anything that was holding me back, it was not you, but the dwelling urge within me that wanted nothing but the truth that you have kept inside yourself all this while. It wasn't easy letting you go, a big part of me told me it was all a joke and that i shouldn't believe what you had to say. But then i asked myself, for how long more should i keep this up, how long more should i punish myself and never moved from the very spot that you left me in. I see now what you meant by do not give myself any hope, cause now i know that if i did give myself hope, then i would only be killing myself. I admit that i still have feelings for you, but i guess these feelings will only sustain a friendship that i will hold on forever... Thanks YoDDa... I am letting you go.....

No matter how tough it gets, just keep on moving1:11 AM